About Us
This DCA map project was created by Julia Mahood, Georgia Master Crafts Beekeeper. Julia has been keeping bees since 2004 at her home in Atlanta, and has long been fascinated by the secret life of drones. After frustrating failures to locate DCAs using the helium balloon method, she devised the method outlined on this site using a UAV.
Julia is active in the Metro Atlanta Beekeepers Association and the Georgia Beekeepers Association. In 2018, she was named the GBA Beekeeper of the Year. Julia teaches beekeeping in Georgia prisons and coordinates the GBA prison beekeeping program. Hear an interview with Julia about her beekeeping education work with incarcerated women on this podcast.
This site was created with a generous grant from the Georgia Beekeepers Association Buzz Fund. www.gabeekeeping.com
Julia is grateful for the support of Dr. Keith Delaplane and Jennifer Berry at the UGA honey bee program, and from Dr. Jennifer K. Leavey at Georgia Tech.
Thanks are also due to David Kraft for UAV guidance, airframe integration and flight safety guidance.

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Watch Julia’s
Game of Drones presentation on Bob Binnie’s YouTube channel.

This site was created with a generous grant from the Georgia Beekeepers Association Buzz Fund. www.gabeekeeping.com Julia is grateful for the support of Dr. Keith Delaplane and Jennifer Berry at the UGA honey bee program, and from Dr. Jennifer K. Leavey at Georgia Tech. Thanks are also due to David Kraft for UAV guidance, airframe integration and flight safety guidance.